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1/3/22 – Weekly Post: “Desmond Tutu and Nonviolence”

Weekly Post.  Desmond Tutu is someone who must be studied too understand the discipline and practice of peace.  Start with his book “No Future Without Forgiveness”.  It is amazing that he continued to advocate for human rights, applying nonviolence, amidst all the suffering and hatred he encountered.  He is one of those moral exemplars to aspire towards especially during those days where we are being egocentric and having a tough time finding any good in ourselves or others.   He is one of those people I think of when I am feeling hopeless or being judgmental.  Some cognitive restructuring can help us through those moments:

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”, is one of my favorites.  It keeps me in the present and also reminds me of the long-term goal of fostering a more just, equitable, and inclusive world.