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You Want a Peace of Me! Conversations About Peace, Conflict, Human Rights, and the World On Which We Live

The Building Peace Initiative 

Greetings and welcome to our attempt to preserve the planet on which we live. This will require that we learn to live cooperatively and sustainably with each other. So we are going to take up the challenge of first defining the “P-Word”. Next,creating a culture where we can actually talk about what it means while respecting each other. Finally we will figure out what each of us can do to make our lives and the lives of those around us more peaceful. That includes all the components of the biosphere: animals, plants, and all our natural resources. If this task seems insurmountable you are not alone. But you can have an effect as we have seen throughout history. The Civil Rights Movement, the end of Apartheid and recently the #MeToo Movement. A few examples: companies are reducing the corn syrup in drinks, a good part of the world is going solar, and animal rights awareness has grown. You are doing this with your awareness and purchasing power. You can have an effect with each dollar you spend, each interaction you have with others. We just need support from others to keep moving in a life-affirming direction. These pages are an opportunity for us to share our insights and provide support for each other.

“Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can change the world.”
-Howard Zinn