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4/25/22 – Weekly Post: “Universal Accountability”

Weekly Post.  As the war in the Ukraine continues charges of war crimes have made against Russia.  It has been suggested that the International Criminal Court should become involved.  Russia, China, and the US have refused to join the ICC.  This is another case where countries decry the behavior of each other but believe rules do not apply to them.  Further, they often use economic and military power and threats to bully and intimidate others.  It would go a long way towards creating a more just and equitable world if these countries would join and offer their considerable influence to ending both the physical and structural violence that affects so many globally.  Underneath all of this is COVID and the environmental crisis we are experiencing.  I think it’s a good time for a couple of Einstein quotes:   “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” and “Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity”.  I have confidence that any of the classes I teach have a much better chance of solving our problems than our existing leaders.  We need different perspectives and leadership that reflects the demographics of our country including socioeconomic status. Change will not occur unless we become actively involved in defining the change we would like to see and holding people accountable to act on it.