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5/31/21 – Weekly Post. “Memorial Day: A Time to Reflect on Ending Warfare”

In the United States Memorial Day is a federal holiday for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died serving in the military. It is also a day to reflect on the immense suffering caused by warfare. Warfare requires that we suspend the normal moral ethic against taking lives replacing it with extinguishing life. This is a difficult and often painful topic to discuss and attempts at dialogue can lead to accusations of being unpatriotic or anti-military. That is not the case. In fact questioning war can be considered our patriotic duty. Supporting a more peaceful world, through non-violent conflict resolution, is a life-affirming position rooted the ethic of “thou shalt not kill. It is motivated by a desire to decrease human suffering and in fact is supportive of military personnel. No one, Americans or anyone else, soldiers or civilians, should ever be subjected to the trauma of war. No one should ever be put in a position where they are required to take another’s life. Here are a group of Veterans who are working towards those ends.