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3/1/21 – Weekly Post: “It’s Women’s History Month”

Weekly Post: It’s Women’s History Month.  I encountered this profile in courage and compassion some years ago in “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” taken from Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life the Diaries, 1941-1943 and Letters from Westerbork.

“I am not easily frightened.  Not because I am brave but because I know I am dealing with human beings, and that I must try as hard as I can to understand everything that anyone ever does.  And that was the real import of this morning: not that a disgruntled young Gestapo officer yelled at me, but that I felt no indignation, rather a real compassion, and would have liked to ask, “Did you have a very unhappy childhood, has your girlfriend let you down?”  Yes, he looked harassed and driven and sullen and weak.  I should have liked to start treating him there and then, for I know that pitiful young men like that are dangerous as soon as they are let loose on mankind.”

In addition here is a site you may be interested in as we celebrate the month. :