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1/25/21 – Weekly Post: “Talking With People Who Hate Me”

Weekly Post: This will lead us into future discussions about how to listen with the express intent of reducing suffering.  In essence practicing an informed, assertive compassion. We are in the midst of several crises.  The most prominent being the Pandemic and close behind is political discord.  Both were brought on by misinformation and disinformation campaigns that were politically motivated for the benefit of a select few.  So what do we do?  Argue with those who have bought into these campaigns?  Adopt a dualistic perspective?  I’m right, you’re wrong?  We have a difficult task.  Here is a person who shows a great deal of courage, empathy and is highly motivated.  Consider what he is doing.  As always the caveat is that certain people, with high levels of narcissism, are a subgroup that require some modifications in our approach.