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1/7/21 – Special Edition: “Lies, Hate Speech, and False Rhetoric Expose the Problems of Implicit and Explicit Racism.”

The lack of preparation and response in Washington DC yesterday by law enforcement to the domestic terrorists was shocking. It was also likely due to both implicit and explicit bais and racism. There is also the possibily that some in law enforcement support DT’s agenda. This is a real danger as the success of a coup often requires the support of the military and paramilitary groups. If some of you wonder why I developed the Building Peace and Human Rights classes you can stop wondering. Structural violence, racism, gender discrimianation, environmental racism, economic inequality, are systemic in our culture and institutions. We need to address it now in a decisive manner.

And…if you would like to understand some of the people who become very problemmatic here are some readings:

The Mask of Sanity – Hervey Cleckley. An old book but one of the first to address certain personality styles.

People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil – M. Scott Peck

The Psychopathic Mind – J. Reid Meloy

The Hare Psychopathy Checklist – Robert Hare