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8/24/20 – Weekly Post: “Teaching from a Diverse Perspective”

Enjoy This Week’s Post: Black Lives Matter is going to change the way we teach and the way students participate. I am now even more cognizant of explicit and implicit racism which appear in both obvious and subtle ways. As an example I often start each class with a quote. Years ago I realized that most of the ones I used were from white men. So I started to add more quotes from women. Over the past few years I added more from quotes from African Americans and Latinos. Black History and Women’s History Month are all devoted to quotes from them. But is it enough? I may have mentioned it before but despite growing up in a diverse community, from grade school through graduate school I was taught by white teachers with most coming from a higher socioeconomic class. Bias is always present but it was rarely addressed part of the problem being humility often does not come with a degree.

We need to hear more diverse perspective in the classroom and I am looking forward to creating the conditions in classes where people can find their voice and express themselves. I am particularly excited about teaching a history class again this Fall and adding more from the perspectives of minorities.