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Special Post – Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day

Hiroshima Day – August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki Day – August, 1945: A Time to Reflect

As the living survivors dwindle the horror of atomic weapons is in danger of fading into only a memory. In the history of the form of collective mental illness known as warfare the use of nuclear weapons is a devastating symptom that has put not only our lives but the life of our entire biosphere at risk. Millions would die immediately in a nuclear exchange and billions shortly thereafter. Civilization would come to an end. As of 2019 13,865 nuclear weapons exist globally. More than 90% of the world’s 13,865 nuclear weapons are owned by Russia and the United States. Estimates predict it would take between 10 and 100 “supernukes” to end life on Earth. In addition to the US and Russia the United Kingdom, France, Pakistan, India, China and Israel all have enough weapons to end life for us all. Some of these countries are in conflict with each other. Then there is N. Korea with an estimated 30-40 nuclear weapons.

No country can use such weapons, no matter how many thousands of miles away, without affecting us all. This strategy of “deterrence” needs to end and the trillions of dollars spent globally on maintaining nuclear arsenals devoted to developing sustainable ways of living, including economic justice, so we can preserve our planet and ourselves. Nuclear weapons are wildly unethical, immoral, and frankly an insane proposed solution to conflict. Using them is not only committing genocide but omnicide. It is time to wake up to that fact and put an end to their existence.