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1/27/20 – Weekly Post: “Holocaust Remembrance”

Weekly Post:  International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Soon there will be no more living witnesses to the Holocaust.  One concern is that losing these voices will lead us to forget the atrocity and what lead up to it.   There have been many genocides since then: Cambodia,   Bosnia and Herzegovina, Anfal, Rwanda, Darfur, and Myanmar to name a few.  What are the conditions that lead up to them and how can they be prevented?  One of the more frightening developments in the U.S. is the state sponsored hatred directed towards minorities in particular immigrants. Pair this with media control, there are plenty of “hate talk shows” out there that reach mainstream America, and you have two components of genocide.   Can it happen in the U.S.?  Perhaps it is in its early stages with detention camps at our borders.