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8/5/19 – Weekly Post: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day

This Week’s Post Remembers Hiroshima Day: August 6, 2018 and Nagasaki Day: August 9, 2018

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

-Albert Einstein

Simply put, nuclear weapons are a devastating symptom of the collective mental illness called warfare.  Deterrence theory and mutually assured destruction are components of a past that no longer exists.  Any nuclear exchange would affect the entire world on many levels. We have new issues to address that require innovative perspectives, thinking, and solutions. It is time to put an end this illness and learn to resolve our differences peacefully as individuals, groups, and countries.  All of us have points we can agree on. Changes that support our mutual survival are good starting points.  Banishing nuclear weapons is a good start and committing to it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day would be a spectacular gesture for a country or countries who have the courage to do so.  

Here is a site that details nuclear spending.  End this spending and you use the money to end poverty, provide healthcare for all, provide education, create a sustainable earth, and do so much more that is life-affirming rather than life negating.

The Grafton Peace Pagoda always has events relevant to this day:   

Peace Action NYS is active in addressing nuclear weapons:

And here is a fascinating letter sent to President Truman regarding atomic weapons by scientist who worked on it: