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3/4/19 – Weekly Post: Walking Meditation.

Sometimes we get lucky.  Some of you know the story about how I came into contact with Thich Nhat Hanh and his Monks.  By chance I picked up a book, “Creating True Peace: Ending the Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community and the World.”  As I was reading it I thought to myself, this guy really gets it.  It was 2017 and I was doing a 10 month internship at a Botanical Garden.  As chance would have it Blue Cliff Monastery was just starting up, an hour away, and a 5 day retreat was scheduled for October of that year.  With some hesitation I attended and was pleasantly surprised.  I have maintained contact with them since then and have learned more than I ever would have in any college program graduate or otherwise.  Though I do not consider myself a Buddhist I have found the way in which they practice mindfulness extremely helpful both personally and professionally. 

Walking meditation is a lot of fun and great for people who have trouble sitting still: Give it a try.