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1/28/19 – Weekly Post: Climate Change and Peace.

When I began full time at FMCC in 2011, after some debate, I managed to get the course I created: Building Peace: History, Theory and Practice (SOC 230 A) into the course catalog.  Since that time I have had the privilege of teaching it each Spring semester.  A couple years later I went through the same process and I now teach Ecopsychology (PSY 230 A) in the Fall.  I have also completed the process for “The Sociology of Human Rights” (SOC 121 A) which will likely be offered in the Fall 2019 semester.  They are interrelated courses.  I sometimes joke with people that my quest for “world domination” is moving forward.  In reality my quest for a just and equitable world where no one has to fear poverty, hunger, war, homelessness, a lack of healthcare, or prejudice and discrimination becomes the reality.  As Muhammad Yunus has said: “Poverty is the absence of all human rights. The frustrations, hostility and anger generated by abject poverty cannot sustain peace in any society.”

And here is an article that addresses the connection between global warming and peace: